February 2025 New ESP32 MCU Arduino IDE sample project for our NL02x printer controller using our EVK board(s). You can find the project at printercontroller.com in downloads.
January 2025Mikroelektronika has launched their new Printer Click add-on board based on our NL022 printer chip. More here: https://www.mikroe.com/printer-click it works with their big range of development boards such as: https://embeddedwiki.com/filter?size=12&click-boards%5b%5d=MIKROE-6460
December 23 2024New firmware release 1.22 for our NL02x printer controller chips New features include:
More here at PrinterController.com
December 20 2024Available for download Release of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits 1. Sorting was not working after moving from 32-bit to the 64-bit Windows environment 2. UI issue in listings on some machines under Windows 11 would make selections of items completely black and unreadable The current Version can be found here: Mastitis release download
April 24 2024Norden Logic Oy launched today NL02x firmware 1.20 and bootloader 1.0 for all it's NL02x printer controllers. Allowing in the field feature updates and OTA updates in integrated systems. Please find out more at our printer controller site. February 19 2024Available for download Release of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits This version fixes floating point issues reported by some customers. The current Version can be found here: Mastitis release download February 2 2023Available for download Release of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits This version fixes license issues. The current Version can be found here: Mastitis release download January 28 2023Available for download Release Update of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits This version fixes the highlight bar color issue in the results pane. The current Version can be found here: Mastitis Update release download
January 23 2023Available for download Release 64bit Version of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits The current Version can be found here: Mastitis 64bit release download
August 2022Available for download Release 64bit Version (CT) (corrected templates) of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits The current Version can be found here: Mastitis 64bit release download
February 2022Available soon the new release 64-Bit Version of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits As Microsoft has dropped the Windows 32-Bit version of the OS we have now ported the software to native 64-bit Please check in from time to time to see if it is available for download. The current 32-Bit Version can be found here: Mastitis 1.8.7 release download January 2022Check out our updated iOS Apps for iOS 15: Battery Monitor: https://apps.apple.com/fi/app/nasa-bm-1-battery-monitor/id1079855058 iCevni: https://apps.apple.com/fi/app/icevni-eu-waterways/id951640440?mt=8 Navtex: https://apps.apple.com/fi/app/nasa-navtex-bt-le/id1187291449 And from our site: http://www.nordenlogic.com/software.php?category_id=7 September 2021We just added 100% native Android Java library classes and native USB drivers to our thermal controller solutions. Provided is also a complete ready to complile and run Android app to print directly from the Android device to our Printer EVK boards. This will speed up mobile printer or general thermal printer integration with Android systems. You can find the new Android intergration solution at the download section at:
March 2021Check out our printer controller chip NL024 for 24V thermal printer heads with cutters. The NL024 is now shipping in quantity. All our chips are RoHS certified. More at our dedicated Printer Controller site: www.printercontoller.com
July 2020We updated some capabilities of our printer controllers: Starting from firmware release 1.15: - Almost all supported language sets enabled by default - QR code generation is now part of the chip feature set via ESC commands - Paper out and Temperature high are now events pushed to the host - Font attributes can now be combined: e.g. Italic and Underlined - Bitmaps can now be stored on the chips extra flash space and also printed from flash We can provide complete interface boards with USB, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE interfaces besides the standard TTL serial connection.You can find more at:
May 2020 We are back to full production capability after the corona lock down. We also have launched the EVK boards for our NL024 line of printer chips. Several documents, firmware and software have been updated. You can find more at: Stay Safe! January 2020:Our new NL024 printer controller chip for print heads ranging from 5V - 24V with auto cutters in the size of 58mm and 80mm is ready. Available for customers starting 02/2020. More details and specifications soon at our dedicated site: Thermal Print Heads Supported by our controller family: We are continuously adding new printer heads to our controllers. Please contact us if you don't see your selected print head. 58mm:
and compatible 80mm:
and compatible Print Heads with Auto Cutters: 58mm:
and compatible 80mm:
and compatible
December 2019:Pair your Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Android SOC or Raspberry Pi Linux project or product with our ready to go NL023 TTL-UART interface board and create a thermal printer or mobile thermal printer solution in record time. More information at: NL023 Interface Board at www.printcontroller.com November 2019:New Web Site dedicated to our Printer Hardware:
Norden Logic released a brand new family of tiny powerful 32-bit ARM based thermal printer controllers. The NL02x range of controllers supports 58mm and 80mm print heads selectable via software command. Print heads from all major manufacturer on the market can be used - please see the respective datasheets for more details. A variant version of the controller also supports thermal printers with auto cutters. The first chip in the NL02x range is the NL022. Printer Evaluation boards for a variety of supported print heads are available to order as well. The NL022 has been designed and tested, among others, for the new SEIKO LOW POWER print head: LTP02-245-C1. The controllers are rated for industrial as well as consumer based applications.
Chip Family: NL022 - SMD Chip supports many 58mm and 80mm Thermal Print Heads (3.2V - 9V) NL023 - ZIF Package 100% Pin Compatible with Legacy ZYTP58-FT6B with new ARM core and faster printing routines (5V - 9V) NL024 - SMD Chip supports selected 58mm and 80mm Thermal Print Heads with Auto-Cutters (5V - 24V)
NL022 Thermal Printer Controller Datasheet
September 2019:Available now new release Version 1.8.7 of PathoProof Mastitis PC Software for Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ kits Software is available here: Mastitis 1.8.7 release download
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